
Transformational BodyworkDiscover your body, Discover yourself !

Transformational Bodywork Sessions

Martial Arts Fusion

A unique combination of traditional martial arts techniques perfect for anyone. This fusion of time-proven practices releases stagnated energy and blockages, opening up for a clear channel of energy to flow through you. Consider it a special recipe that promises to bring you into the present moment.

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Transformational Yoga

Enjoy custom made private yoga classes based on your needs and personal goals. Without the distraction of other students, this personalized experience will allow you to take your self to the next level in the comfort of your home. Our renowned yoga teachers will carefully design a program to ensure you get the most out of your sessions.

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Family/ Couple's Yoga

Spend healthy, happy and quality time together! Couples, children, parents, and even grandparents can enjoy practicing yoga together in the comfort and safety of your home. Strengthen your bond while supporting each other and having fun!

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C-suite Yoga

Suffering from stress? Anxiety? Feeling overwhelmed but still want to take yourself to the next level? Then this is for you. Leave it to us to teach you time-proven tools that quieten the mind, slow you down and allow you to take a breath. Learn ways to release stress & tension in the neck & shoulders, all of which will enable you to be more productive .

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Menstrual Yoga

Women, is it that time of the month and all you want to do is curl up in a ball and stay in bed? We have another suggestion!! Menstrual Yoga is a gentle yet powerful way to open the body and release stagnation. A carefully designed and tailor made combination of postures will support you during this time of regeneration and letting go.

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Kids Yoga

How often do we adults say: if only I started this earlier… This is an opportunity for kids to learn how to connect the mind with the body, the body with the breath and the breath with the present moment - techniques that will last them a lifetime.

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Yoga for insomniacs

You can’t fall asleep and you have no idea what to do with yourself? Do a yoga class in the middle of the night to help you calm down your nervous system. A specially designed combination of breathing techniques and postures will stop your mind from racing and make you feel fully relaxed.

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Tibetan Pulsing/ Biomagnetism/ Reiki

A unique combination of ancient tibetan bodywork techniques that eliminate the root cause of dis-ease and bring the body’s electromagnetic field back to its natural balanced state. Transform negative karmic imprints that are sitting in your nervous system and experience a sense of mental, physical and emotional freedom and stability.

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Tsa Lung Healing for Physical Ailments

Practiced in secrecy for decades due to it’s powerful ability to change the body and mind, Bodysm brings you this ancient Tibetan-tantric technique by one of the Great Masters. By combining breath retention techniques with physical movements and visualizations, Tsa-Lung cultivates the flow of energy in the body, improves overall vitality, and heals acute and chronic physical ailments.

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Tantric Yoga

This unique style of yoga weaves the authentic teachings of hatha yoga, asana practice and tantric philosophy with meditation and ritualistic suggestion, to align you with the energy of the universe.

Through juicy holds, breath retention and integration of intensified postures, you will learn the elements of tantric yoga and take your yoga practice to the next level.

This practice will give you deep insights as to who you really are as it speaks to subtle energies, sublimation for purification, and intensification of sexual bliss.

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The Story

Traditionally and through the ages, students learnt yoga, martial arts and other body awareness art forms in a one-on-one setting. With Yoga, it was the “Guru-Shishya-Parampara” that is the teacher-disciple custom. In Chinese, it was the “Shi-Fu – Xue-tu relationship” which is literarily translated as “master-father/ student-follower custom.

Now yoga/ martial and other similar body awareness art forms is surely popular, though missing the deeper benefits of personal interaction. Group classes are big as they are commercially motivated with studios often misplacing attention to quality and student progress.

Body awareness practices offer a timeless technology that is relevant in our day. The experience of One-on-One personalized sessions, not only advance our practice and help us achieve our goals quicker, but also help us embrace these forms wholly in every domain of our lives.

The Benefits

  • Swift advancement based on personal goals.
  • Explore unity of body and mind through the practice of form.
  • Better health outcomes based on individualised lesson plans.
  • Practice from the safety and convenience of your home.
  • Flexible scheduling that revolve around your needs.
  • Go deeper within oneself in an atmosphere of trust and personal attention.

Who's this for ?

  • All individuals with an interest in increased body awareness.
  • Advanced practitioners and beginners.
  • Physically challenged or persons with special needs.
  • Individuals with specific medical history or injuries.
  • Individuals interested in a deeper connection with one’s true self