
Consciousness AwakeningBreakthrough for Change

Consciousness Awakening Sessions

Anxiety & Fear

Are you suffering from excessive stress, needless worrying, agitation, restlessness, irritability, panic attacks, OCD or severe phobias? Free yourself from all holding you back from living in peace, harmony and flow!

Stress Management and Healing Anxiety

Dig deep to explore the cause of your stress. Address & heal these blocks through time-tested techniques of hypnotherapy, NLP, and coaching. Transform your daily life and bring more clarity to become more productive than ever before.

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Dissolve Tension and Fear

Suffering from tight shoulders or a tense neck? Fear will often manifest in the body as tension and stagnation. Dissolve your tension and fear using a mixed tool bag of Tibetan Eye-Reading, Oracle Cards Reading, and Processing. Get clarity on your strengths and blocks, hence allowing your fears and worries to melt away. Choose from the following options:
60 mins session for Oracle Card ONLY
75 mins session for Eye Reading Only OR Processing
120 mins session for Combined Eye Reading and Oracle Cards

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Conquering Fear

We often we think that the opposite of love is hate. However, the opposite of love is fear. Through unique energy and intuitive techniques like Family Constellation Therapy, Systemic Work and Osho Therapy, transform your limited beliefs and break free from patterns that are holding you back from being the best version of yourself.

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Confidence & Self Esteem Re-building

Walk, talk and succeed in life with a rooted confidence based on an inner knowing of yourself. Through the perfect combination of therapeutic hypnosis and holistic coaching, transform the way you see yourself and re-gain the power to trust yourself.

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Kidysm - Overcoming Fears and Worries in Lil ones

Kids often pick-up little fears and worries which manifest as ADHD, anxieties or other early age coping mechanisms. The use of drumming techniques and gentle NLP, allow kids to use their imagination in the healing process and empower them with healthy techniques that will last them into adulthood.

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Stress in the Workplace

Do you feel like you’re overwhelmed with work-load? Maybe you have a difficult boss or don’t get along with co-workers? Are you worrying if you’re good enough for your role? Stress in the workplace has a direct influence on our personal health and wellbeing. Cultivate a steady sense of inner peace and clarity through a combination of Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Time-Line Therapy and NLP techniques.

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Healing Fear in Intimacy

Do you have a difficult time expressing your needs in relationships or in intimate relating? By exploring root causes and triggers with a Tantric approach, we discover how these are used as an obstacle to love and trust. Learn about your own attitudes and behaviours to bring light and understanding to relationships. We use Osho’s therapeutic methodologies to help us see our situation clearly and create new ones.

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Breaking Patterns

Can’t break free from a toxic relationship? Keep repeating self-destructive behaviors? Using a mixed bag of hypnotherapy, NLP, pranic healing and energetic cord-cutting, we help you step away from core repeating patterns to set yourself free. Break free from your limited beliefs and step into your greatest potential.

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Are you suffering from insomnia, flashbacks, situational extreme sweating and heart pounding, location avoidance, emotional detachment from people and situations, inability to make choices, lack of concentration and memory, irritability, feeling of helplessness? Have you suffered a traumatic event or abuse, either in your childhood or your adulthood, that you never properly dealt with? Identify your source of trauma, face your inner demons in the now, heal and let go!

Trauma Healing

Using time proven tools of therapeutic hypnosis, NLP, and coaching, make peace with the trauma you have experienced in your life. Recreate a safe space of trust, non-judgement, and understanding, to identify, face, forgive and let go of your trauma to heal completely from inside out.

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Neutralize Pain, Suffering and Anger

How much does your anger hold you back from true happiness? Do you feel like your past traumas haunting you? No matter how much you try, you simply can’t find a way back to a balanced state of being? With a unique combination of Tibetan Pulsing, Eye-Reading, Oracle Cards Reading and Bio-Magnetic Therapy, we support you to neutralize your pain and re-balance your energy.Choose from the following options:
60 mins session for Oracle Card ONLY
75 mins session for Eye Reading Only OR Processing
120 mins session for Combined Eye Reading and Oracle Cards

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Letting go of Trauma

Very often trauma symptoms develop, when the normal capacity of the nervous system to self regulate is blocked or disturbed. By understanding the body and supporting its self-regulatory mechanisms in a safe and supported environment, we complement the work of Family Constellation to recreate a place of inner peace in this 3 session package. Create a new reality of trust and a renewed sense of I can and I am.

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Managing Deliberate Self Harm

Are you hurting yourself on purpose through negative self-talk or physical pain? While it might seem counter-intuitive, often self-harm is used as a coping mechanism to keep alive by numbing intense emotions and thoughts. Using therapeutic hypnosis and coaching, learn tools to break-free from destructive habits, embodying healthier ways to deal with yourself and life.

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Healing Sexual Trauma

Many have experienced incest, rape, freezing, or something that happened when they did not speak. Through Tantric self-discovery methodology, the “stop” technique and re-doing what has been “wronged,” learn to to create a more enriching, nourishing and healthy way to view and experience sexuality.

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Inner Child Healing

Do you try to self-sabotage your plans? Talk critically to yourself? Indudge in self-defeating or self-harming behaviors? Suffer from violent rage? The experiences we have had during childhood, especially between the ages from 0-7, have had a defining role in who we are today. Give your inner child what it needs to move on and live life from a place of peace and abundance.

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Transformational Breakthroughs

Is there something holding you back from making decisions and taking a step forward in your life? Are you ready to embrace change and redefine your reality? Now is the time. Step into your full potential and live your best life.

Unlock your Destiny and Karma

Do you feel ready to finally live your life in alignment with your true purpose? Through Ancient Tibetan techniques, we discover the path that lies ahead of you so you can make decisions from a place of wisdom and in tune with your journey. Unlock your Destiny and Karma with a unique combination of a Oracle Cards and Eye Reading. Choose from the following options:
60 mins session for Oracle Card ONLY
75 mins session for Eye Reading Only OR Processing
120 mins session for Combined Eye Reading and Oracle Cards

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Transformational Coaching

Get the coaching support you need to take control of your life and step into your greatest potential. Get clear on your life-purpose, build self-esteem and figure out solutions on how to improve your career, life-style and relationships. Using proven coaching tools with a combination of counselling and hypnotherapy when required, we help you unblock and release old ideas and behaviors that are no longer serving you. You will have these tools for life and can use them to help yourself and others get fresh perspective on problems or dilemmas.

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Open up to your Higher Consciousness

Are you ready to step into your true potential? To live your life with a greater awareness and presence? With a combination of Tibetan Pulsing, Eye Reading, Oracle Card Reading and Ancient Taoist practices, we help awaken your highest self. Choose from the following options:
60 mins session for Oracle Card ONLY
75 mins session for Eye Reading Only OR Processing
120 mins session for Combined Eye Reading and Oracle Cards

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Redefine your new Reality

Do you feel feel trapped in endlessly repeating patterns that you seem to have no control over? Set yourself free from the past and re-design your life as you desire using a combination of Holistic Coaching techniques and Family Constellation Therapy. Realize your full potential and create clear steps for yourself on how to design the next chapter of your life.

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Chakra Re-alignment

Measure the healthiness and effectiveness of your seven chakras, understand which are out of balance and get tools to re-align your power centers. Let go of stagnation, re-ignite your energy and create a clear flow of energy through your body. Experience life changing outcomes both physically and emotionally as a result.

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Nurture the entrepreneur within

Are you planning to start your own business or are you in a transition to take your already existing business to a different place. Grab this opportunity to bring your challenging issues into the systemic constellation environment. These sessions offers fresh insight and information into the hidden dynamics that sustain and limit your business. Optimize your performance by reconnecting with your intention, inspiration and motivation. Get the support you need to discuss challenges, breakthroughs and steps to move forward in your professional life.

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Relationship Healing

Whether it’s the relationship with yourself, a parent, child, sibling, partner or lover, it is our relationships that open us up to both life’s most beautiful gifts and greatest challenges. Using the Family Constellations modality, we can open a space to explore the dynamics of what is keeping you from living your relationship without Blame. Discover ways to heal unresolved issues and connect to the abundance of love that exists within you.

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Love yourself - Weight Loss and Body Confidence

Learn how to fall in love with yourself and your body through a combination of Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Past-Life Regression & NLP. When you learn to love, accept and appreciate yourself, you automatically want to take better care of your physical wellbeing. See excess weight drop off as a result of this and start looking and feeling youthful, healthy and vibrant.

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Sexual Awakening and Maturation (For Individuals & Couples)

Society, keeps us “small” when it comes to experiencing pleasure, as many of us do not know how exactly to open to the potential that begins in the seed of sensuality. Through Tantric & Taoist practices, like breast massage, jade egg practice, ritual, and conscious pattern shifting, awaken the potential in yourself and also through an established or manifested partner in the bedroom.

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Consciousness Coupling & Uncoupling

Does your couple need support? Are you really communicating? Do you want to be together in love, deep intimacy and harmony but don’t know how? Are you confused about what you want? Is it time to Consciously Uncouple? Are you Single and ready to Call in THE One? Get the coaching you need to find clarity and support in taking the next step in your love life. Whether it is finding and building a conscious relationship or parting ways and letting go of your current one with dignity and a sense of safety.

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Are you a prisoner to your addictions and dependencies - alcohol, drug, prescription medicine, food, abusive relationships? Do you find yourself falling into old patterns and destructive behaviors over and over again? Get to the root cause of your addictions and receive the support you need to finally break free and re-gain control of your life.

Addictions & Dependency Recovery

Are you or someone you care about struggling with addiction or dependency? Is your drinking, eating, gambling, exercising or online habit out of control? Through hypnotherapy and coaching techniques, get to the root cause of your addiction. Break free from the old belief systems and replace these neural pathways with new, healthier patterns.

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Create Balance and Regenerate Naturally

Do you feel overwhelmed? Like you just need to regenerate and balance your system? In an ever changing world, our body and mind constantly needs to adapt. Using a combination of Oracle Cards and Eye Reading, we discover what patterns you are repeating and how you can live a life that fills you with energy rather than drains you. In addition, Bio-Magnetic Therapy gives you an immediate sense of vitality. Choose from the following options:
60 mins session for Oracle Card ONLY
75 mins session for Eye Reading Only OR Processing
120 mins session for Combined Eye Reading and Oracle Cards

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Stop Smoking

Are you ready to get rid of your smoking habit once and for all? Are you finding that your health, wellbeing and confidence has been suffering as a result of your addiction? Using NLP & Hypnotherapy techniques, we get to the root cause and support your journey in becoming free of this habit for good.

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Porn and Sex Addiction

(For men) There is no real instruction on how to be a good lover, how to have sexual encounters properly or learn about pleasuring the opposite sex. Therefore a large portion of the population begin and get hooked on pornography as a way to learn, mimick and masterbate as an outlet for energy. Through the lens of Tantra, we look at the origins of beliefs, past relationships, meditation and Uddiyana bandha we will explore alternatives to this addiction by focusing on non-judgement and healthy re-patterning.

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Eating Disorders

Re-design your relationship with food using a combination of hypnotherapy and coaching to re-program your mind and body. Unlock the hidden reasons that are keeping you in a destructive pattern and introduce new habits to re-gain the control over your life. A healthier, more vibrant and confident phase of your life starts here!

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Own Your Sexual Journey

Are you ready to connect with your greatest source of power? Do you want to embrace your creativity and thrive in being the best version of you? Own your sexual journey and reignite your life.

Fertility - Awakening the Goddess within

Are you looking for an alternative route to approach infertility and to support the journey into parenthood. We often get lost in the oceanic information and often we fear that there is something wrong with us or that we are doing something wrong in the process. Using a combination of family constellation therapy, coaching, tapping and mind control, we support your journey to create a fertile ground to implant a seed into maturity. Embody the miracle of bringing life into this world and tap into the immense power that exists deep within you through the wisdom of the feminine.

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Menopause - Reignite Your Fire

During Menopause, we are faced with challenges that are inadequately addressed in western literature. Most women feel isolated and powerless as they encouter loss of control of their emotions and their physicality. By staying connected with the feminine, we help you embrace the changes happening hormonally and physiologically through natural remedies and family constellation therapy. Re-ignite your Fire to move gracefully into the next stage of your life.

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Channel your Chi and Sexual Energy

With the use of Ancient Taoist practices, Qi Gong and Tibetan Pulsing, we teach you how to channel your Chi and Sexual Energy in a healthy and constructive manner. Feel charged rather than depleted and discover the depth of your own energetic system with techniques taught and used by the greatest masters. Choose from the following options:
60 mins session for Oracle Card ONLY
75 mins session for Eye Reading Only OR Processing
120 mins session for Combined Eye Reading and Oracle Cards

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Embody your Sexual Power

It can be frustrating, being human and having so much energy without the right channels. Use techniques from Ancient Tantric philosophy, Mantak Chia, Dynamic meditations and magical sex and moon rituals to build, direct and move low chakra energy throughout your body and beyond. Take anytime you have made yourself small in sexual situations, beliefs or concerns of what others think and use the experience as a launch pad for a new way to show up in and out of the bedroom.

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Embrace your Sensuality / Sexuality

Are you feeling uninspired, a lack of excitement and lost passion? Go on a journey of self empowerment with hypnotherapy and chakra alignment. Tap into your greatest source of power: your sensuality and your sexuality. Discover what makes you unique and uncover what your heart desires. Knowing and discovering your passions, desires and uniqueness will help you to take a step back in life and redesign your present and future in a way that will enhance happiness, health and joy in all spheres of your life.

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Sexual Alchemy for Men

A 10 session program designed specifically for the Man ready to step into his ultimate masculine power. This is a journey that combines Ancient Taoist practices, Tantra, and Qi Gong to teach you how to channel your Chi and Sexual Energy in a healthy and empowering way. Using techniques taught and used by the greatest masters, you will discover the depths of pleasure that exists within you.

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The Story

In life, every individual is confronted with personal challenges that may stand in the way to experiencing oneself and life at its full potential. Often we are the ones holding ourselves back from what we truly want or deserve. Awakening consciousness is the beginning to opening up to what life really has to offer. This is the path to shifting limited beliefs into breakthroughs for change.

Through state of the art proven techniques and a personalized approach, limited beliefs can be broken, transformation can occur and blockages can be released. Living our lives with open eyes is a gift that is waiting to be opened within each of us. Unique self-development teachings brought to us by those dedicated to this work allow for deep revelations to arise within us.

Consciousness Awakening is the journey of transformation through tools that take you from self-exploration into self-realization.

Get out of your own way and allow yourself to experience life in its full potential!

The Benefits

  • Break free from limited beliefs
  • Transform yourself through self exploration
  • Overcome blockage that are holding you back.
  • Let go & surrender to healing past traumas.
  • Tap into your greatest potential
  • Experience in-person or online support with renowned international practitioners at the comfort of your home

Who's this for ?

  • Individuals seeking greater fulfillment in life
  • Entrepreneurs or Corporate executives ready to expand.
  • Those with addictions & limiting beliefs
  • Individuals with experience in self-development & those new to this work
  • Those interested in elevating self-awareness